Saturday 9 December 2017

Term 4

Welcome to the final term of the year! Our term value is Responsibility.

With the weather turning warmer we have been learning about water safety around pools, beaches, lakes and rivers. 

The festive season is here and we are enjoying learning about different festivals and celebrations around the world. 

And of course look forward to the annual PCS Christmas Show later on in the term.
 Watch this space for more updates.

Sunday 1 October 2017

PCS Talent Show 2017

Wow, what amazing talent we have at PCS! It was a fabulous show and we enjoyed every minute of it. What a finale to end off the term! Check out 2 of our very own from Room 28, Aryelle and Ramneek who did us all proud. Kapai girls you were both outstanding!

Thursday 28 September 2017

Book Character Day!

PCS Book week in September was a great 5 days of getting us excited about books! One of the best days was the last day on Friday when several children around the school got dressed up in one of their favourite book characters. Wow!  It was an impressive show of costumes indeed... and Room 28 certainly turned up in style! Check out our fabulous students - thank you parents and caregivers for supporting your children and getting them all dressed up! They looked amazing!

Term 3 - Allenby Park

This term we have been learning about Town Planning. We thought it was a great idea to look at our local park - Allenby Park in Great South Road - and look at how it has been planned and built to serve our community. It has some amazing facilities which makes it a great space for all its visitors - young and the young at heart - to enjoy. One thing we did notice which they could very much do with after some hard work and lots of play, are much needed drinking fountains!

Flash back to Term 2 - Zoo Trip

A highlight earlier this year was our major school trip for the Year 3s to the Auckland Zoo. We were learning all about different occupations and how our local zoo has a variety of workers to look after all the animals and its visitors. Here are some great photos captured by our wonderful parent helpers! Enjoy...

Crazy Hair and Odd Shoe Day

Check out students from Room 28 get in the spirit of having fun with their crazy hairstyles!


Room 28 had a great time over the year learning action songs using Maori poi and rakau sticks. We got pretty good at it and performed with the rakau sticks in our whole school assembly in Term 3.